Thursday, January 20, 2011

Support our Schools! Hueytown Elementary's Boosterthon 2011 - Jan 28!

Come one, come all and support them all!  Hueytown Elementary School's main fund raiser will be held on January 28th at the school. "What is a Boosterthon" you ask?   In addition to being a great way to help support Hueytown Elementary, Boosterthon 2011 is a fitness event hosted by the Hueytown Elementary students. Each participating student will gather pledges from family, friends or businesses for laps completed during the Boosterthon.  In addition to pledges per lap, a one time flat donation is also welcomed.  All donations are tax deductible.

The donations will be used to encourage academic excellence through their work at Hueytown Elementary. So if you believe in excellence through education, help the students and parents. All aunts, uncles,  business owners, friends of a friend of a friend, along with all throughout the community are welcome to join in the fun and donate.  For additional information on Boosterthon 2011 or to donate and need information on how to make your donation, call Rebecca at the Chamber office 205 491 8039  or Hueytown Elementary at 205-379-4100