Jefferson County Schools - Residence Verification Requirements are:
- Proof of residence: includes items as a mortgage or bona fide lease in the name of the parent or legal custodian and signed by the lessee and lessor
- Two (2) current utility bills (cell phones are not acceptable utilities) in the name of the parent or legal custodian at that address . Bills with 'Final Notice' and/or 'Disconnect' are not accepted
- Guardian's Drivers License
- Proof of legal custody if you are not the parent and proof of custody in the case of a divorce. (Notarized statements are not accepted.)
- A current Blue immunization form for the student from a physician or the health department
- A social security card for the student in the student’s name
- Student's birth certificate
- The withdrawal form with grades and a current transcript (last current report card) from the previous school. The complete address of the previous school must be included in order for us to requests records from that school.
- A signed certificate of residency
AREA School Phone Numbers:
Concord Elementary School 205-379-3150
Hueytown Elementary School 205-379-4100
Hueytown Middle School 205-379-5150
Hueytown High School 205-379-4150
North Highlands Elementary School 205-379-4950
Oak Grove Elementary School 205-379-2450
Oak Grove High School 205-379-5000
Pleasant Grove Elementary School 205-379-5200
Pleasant Grove Middle School 205-379-5280
Pleasant Grove Middle School 205-379-5280
Pleasant Grove High School 205-379-5250
The following provides registration and verification information by Hueytown school (information provided on the Jefferson County (JefCoEd) school's website:
Hueytown Elementary:
For Kindergarten Registration:
- Current Lease or Mortgage in Guardian's Name
- 2 Utility Bills in Guardian's Name
- Guardian's Driver's License
- Student's Birth Certificate
- Student's Social Security Card
- Student's Blue Immunization Form
For all students who did not verify residence, pick up schedules and pay fees in June - make-up registration will be held on:
- July 8 from 7 - 11 AM for 6th grade,
- July 9 from 7 -11 AM for 7th grade, and
- July 10 from 7 -11 AM for 8th grade.
All students must verify residence every year to register. To verify residence, the parent/guardian must provide: a current copy of the deed, lease, mortgage statement or yellow tax card AND two current utilities. Not accepted utilities as proof of residence: telephone or cable bills OR any bill that has disconnect or final notice on them.
Students who did not complete the summer registration will have to complete registration on August 19 beginning at 8:30 AM in the gym.
Hueytown High School:
August 6: 12th Grade - 8 am - 10 am
11th Grade - 1 pm - 3 pm
August 7: 10th Grade - 8 am - 10 am
9th Grade - 1 pm - 3 pm
9th Grade - 1 pm - 3 pm
August 12: Make-up and students new to the Hueytown zone: 8 am-10 am & 1 pm-3 pm