Our community, neighbors and family in Concord and Pleasant Grove, Al. desperately need help. Many have been in contact with the Chamber. In addition to phone information, we are making information available through Facebook along with the ChamberChat blogspot. Facebook site: Hueytown Chamber Facebook
Current dropoff points in Hueytown:
Crossroads Baptist: 744 Dee Hendrix Road; 205-425-5811
North Highlands Baptist: 4851 15th Street Road; 205-491-7921
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church Family Life Center:
1343 Hueytown Rd; 205-491-3771
Official Red Cross Shelter:
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, 1343 Hueytown Rd; Phone: 205-491-3771
Items being requested:
Baby Food, Formula, Diapers, Wipes, New Baby Bottles
New Blankets/Pillows
Cleaning supplies,
Paper Towels,
Toilet Paper,
Health and beauty aids (Hand Cleaners, soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc)
Adult Diapers
Snack Food & Energy bars
Non-perishable food items & Manual can openers
(e.g. Stew, Spam, canned soups not requiring water,
Spaghetti O's, Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs,
Ravioli, Pork & Beans Vienna Sausages, etc.)
Juices (canned or plastic bottles)
Pet food
Feminine hygiene products
Trash Bags