Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"IT CAN WAIT" .... a Don't Text & Drive Campaign

Did you know the "100 Deadliest Days" for teen drivers are during  the summer months between Memorial Day and Labor Day?  This is from a recent AAA study.  In an effort to reduce accidents,  the major communications companies (Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint,  and T-Mobile)  along with other business and community organizations  launched a don't text and drive campaign entitled:   "It Can Wait"

Through the IT CAN WAIT website,  everyone is encouraged to sign an online pledge to not text and drive.  Site visitors can see and share stories of why they're taking the pledge. 

The site  includes an online texting while driving simulator which works with your smartphone.  But only test yourself when not driving! 
Need help for you or your teen to not text and drive?  For AT&T customers there is a FREE App to help curb the urge to text and drive:   AT&T DriveMode     Verizon also provides a FREE app:  SafelyGO
DriveMode and SafelyGo  assist you with distraction free driving.  They allow you to temporarily disable some of the features of your mobile device so you stay focused on the road.  You can set-up auto-replies to texts, emails and wireless phone calls to let people know you're on the road and will get back to them.  Even while these apps are in use, you will always have the ability to call 911.
So visit the IT CAN WAIT website - download the apps, take the pledge......really, nothing is that important and worth the risk....