Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Teen Driving Classes this summer through AAA Alabama....

Here is another great summer opportunity for your teens... 

Per Clay Ingram, AAA Alabama spokesman,  AAA Alabama is offering two teen defensive driving classes this summer.  The first will be on June 13 and the second will be on July 25.

Each class is only an eight-hour, one-day class. Although instruction doesn't include actual driving it is designed as a supplement for teen driver training.

The class covers general driving information while focusing on teen-specific issues such as nighttime driving limitations, distracted driving and the impacts of alcohol and drugs.

The classes  will be held at AAA Alabama's state headquarters, 2400 Acton Road. The course costs $25 for AAA members, $30 for non-members and requires advanced registration.
Participants can register for the teen driving class at www.aaa.com or by calling AAA Alabama at (205) 444-8885.
Questions?  Please contact Clay Ingram, AAA Alabama.   Phone:    (205) 444-8885