Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Its Ladies Night, Oh what a night"...

Even if you don't remember the song - remember this:  Ladies Night Out Extravaganza, Tuesday evening, April 19th,  from 6p - 9p  at the Brooklane Community Center. 

What is the Ladies Night Extravaganza? First it is something you should not miss. Second, it is an evening full of shopping, fun and the ability to obtain much needed information in a relaxed atmosphere.

You will need to be 21 y/o to attend.   For an advance ticket of $ 10 you will receive a great meal, be registered for door prizes and the first 100 Advance ticket holders will receive a FREE gift bag filled with goodies.  Tickets at the door will be available for $ 15.

How many times have you thought that you would love to ask a doctor some questions but ran out of time, or didn't want to make another appointment?  Here is your chance!  In addition to the shopping and vendors there will be an excellent OB/GYN, Dr. Martha McLaughlin from Princeton Baptist Medical Center discussing "Wellness for Each Phase of a Woman's Life" and conducting an 'Ask the Doctor' segment.

Shelly Robinson, Stylist from Studio 21, will conduct Hair Extension Demonstrations and help you to look ahead to the new summer styles and colors.

Advance Tickets $10;  after 4/3/11 and at the door:  $15. There is a limited number of tickets available.

For ticket purchases and info call Jonne:  205-337-9433